Volume II
The Obliteration of a Modern State
Abdul-Haq al-Ani and Tarik al-Ani

Price: $29.95
ISBN: 978-0-9860769-2-3
|| Feb 2015|| 276 pages

Overseas Orders

EBOOK I || $22.0ISBN: 978-0-9860769-3-0


    Abdul-Haq al-Ani is an Iraqi-born, British-trained barrister who served as a
    legal adviser on Saddam Hussein’s defense to his daughter, Raghad
    Saddam Hussein. Called to the Bar in 1996, he holds a PhD in Electronics
    Engineering and a PhD in International law. Founding editor of The Arab
    Review, he has written widely on culture, politics and religion. He joined the
    Ba’ath party while in his his teens, but left it in disappointment a few years
    later,prior to the Ba’ath Party assuming power in 1968. He is author of The
    Trial of  Saddam Hussein.
    Tarik Al-Ani is an architect by profession, a translator, and a researcher of
    Arab/Islamic issues, who has been a strong opponent of the genocidal
    sanctions and the wars against Iraq.He has publicly written and talked
    about these issues in Finland where he works and lives.
    Together, they authored Volume I, Genocide in Iraq: The Case Against
    the Security Council and Member States  


Chapter 1
The Imperialist Design for Iraq:  A New Strategy for the Middle East
Western Conquests in the Arab World / 10
Containing Iraq / 12
Sykes-Picot Agreement / 13
Successful or Failed Nation-State / 15
Palestine, The Jewish Problem and Zionism / 16
Evolution of a New Vision / 17
New Imperialist Strategy / 19

Chapter 2
Iraq on the Eve of the 2003 Invasion / 24
Britain’s Plans for Iraq / 24
Qasim’s Rule / 26
The Ba’ath Rule / 29
Saddam’s Rule / 31
The Imperialists’ Manipulation of Iraq and Iran / 33
Events Leading to the Invasion of Kuwait / 36
The First Invasion of Iraq in 1991 / 37
The Genocidal Sanctions / 38

Chapter 3
Preparation for the Invasion / 39
The Iraq Liberation Act / 39
The Sanctions Committee / 44
The Project for the New American Century / 45
Post 9/11 / 48
Future of Iraq Project / 52
Regular Aerial Bombardment / 55
Dossier of Lies and Fabrications / 56

Chapter 4
The Shock and Awe Invasion / 61
Preparing for the Invasion / 68
The Invasion / 71

Chapter 5
The Failure of the Security Council / 83
Anomalies of the UN Charter / 84
Security Council Resolutions on Iraq
Prior to the 2003 Invasion / 86
Security Council Failing to Act After the 2003 Invasion / 87
Security Council Facilitating Crime / 91
Reforming the United Nations / 98

Chapter 6
Bremer Dismantles Iraq / 101
Invading Iraq / 102
Summary of International Law Principles on Occupation / 104
CPA Actions / 105
Eliminating Iraq’s Defense System / 108
Militia Forces / 110
Destroying Iraq’s Military Industry / 111
Converting Iraq from Socialism
to the Neoliberal “Free Market” / 112
Legal and Judicial Restructuring / 118
Development Fund for Iraq / 123

Chapter 7
Instituting Federalism:  
Planting the Seeds of Ethnic and Sectarian Division / 128
Enter General Garner / 128
Appointing Paul Bremer / 129
De-Ba’athification / 130
Dissolving the Army / Creating a New Army / 132
The Transitional Government / 135
The Governing Council / 136
The Cabinet / 138
The Interim Iraqi Constitution / 138
The Transitional Administrative Law (TAL) / 139
The Transitional National Assembly / 145
Drafting the Permanent Constitution / 146
1. Abolishing Iraq’s Arab Identity / 147
2. The Federal Nature of the State / 148
3. The Region of Kurdistan / 151
4. Oil and Gas / 151
5. Islam and Democracy / 152
6. Amending the Constitution / 152

Chapter 8
The Destruction Continues / 154
The Destruction Was Intended / 154
Killing, Torture and Displacement / 159
Cultural Cleansing / 169
Cultural Genocide / 171
Health and WMD / 175
Children and Education / 183
    Psychological Problems / 184
    Malnutrition / 184
    Child Labour / 185
    Drug Abuse / 185
    Education / 186
    Disabilities in Children / 187
    Child Mortality / 188
Women / 190
The Grab for Iraq’s Oil / 194
Utilities / 199
Water / 204

Chapter 9
The Right of Remedy / 208
The Inviolability of Security Council Resolutions / 208
The Crime of Aggression / 210
Crimes in Using WMD / 212
Crimes Against Humanity / 213
Crimes That Breach Basic Human Rights / 215

Appendix I / 221

Appendix II / 225

Endnotes / 229

Index / 271

    The Trial of Saddam Hussein

    "For those who like to know both sides of any story, Abdul Haq al-Ani's book
    is a worthwhile if heavy-going read....The author shows, in great detail, and
    with convincing supporting evidence, that while the Tribunal was intended to
    promote the image of a triumphant Iraq democracy, the Americans were
    actually in control of all stages of Saddam's trial...For Bush, Blair and those
    who let loose war, Abdul Haq al-Ani's book is uncomfortable reading."
    Reviewed by Tam Dalyell, former Senior Member of Parliament, Labour
    Party, United Kingdom in The Oldie, January, 2009.

    "fascinating reading. One need not agree with, or even follow, each and every
    one of his assertions to find his book a penetrating analysis of Iraq’s place in
    the world and of the Saddam Hussein trial in particular."
    Reviewed by John Quigley, Professor of international law and human
    rights law, Ohio State University in Synthesis/Regeneration: A Magazine of
    Green Social Thought, Winter 2009.

    "[F]or the real story of the ‘criminal behavior of the United States, its foreign
    lobbyists and its partisans in this historic trial’, knowledgeable readers will
    always turn to Al-Ani’s immensely sobering exposé."
    Reviewed by David MacGregor, Professor of Sociology, King’s University
    College, University of Western Ontario, in Lobster 56.

    "even though the book profoundly, cogently, and ­ on its face ­ irrefutably
    exposes the injustice of the trial of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and his
    co-defendants, it exposes much, much more... The Trial of Saddam Hussein
    is densely packed with legal arguments (though eminently readable and
    comprehensible) and fastidious conclusions, and a simple book review
    cannot do justice... "
    Kim Petersen, Dissident Voice, December 17, 2008.
Volume I
The current horrific malaise in the state of Iraq has its roots in the  
US-led destruction of Iraq in 1991, followed by a decade of harsh
US-led international sanctions against the entire Iraqi population
that killed millions -- one of the most heinous crimes of the 20th

A second "shock and awe" war of aggression on Iraq in 2003
enabled the US/UK military occupation that ensued.  Though based
on fraudulent pretexts and later admitted as an illegal war by then
Secretary-General Kofi Annan, the UN provided a veneer of
legitimacy to what in effect would be the obliteration of an
effective and functional modern state, redefining its national
character via the redrafting of state policies and law, even
deliberately sowing seeds that could lead to its future implosion.  

Volume II of
Genocide in Iraq addresses Bremer's introduction of
the imperialist design for Iraq as part of a wider strategy  for the
Middle East. It details the scale of post-2003 destruction and
redesign, showing clearly how every step was intended to change
Iraq irreversibly to a slave state of extreme neoliberal capitalism.
It documents the extent of intentional and ongoing damage as it
relates to killing, torture and displacement, cultural cleansing and
genocide, and ensuing problems in health, child education,
psychological well being, malnutrition, child disabilities, child iabor
and mortality,  as well as drug abuse and the impact on women. It
tracks the divestment and disposal of Iraqi oil.  

These Nuremberg-level crimes are then reviewed in international
legal context as the crime of aggression, crimes against
humanity,and violations of the most basic of human rights, as it
relates to the right of remedy, in the hope of providing guidance
to Iraqi individuals or governments seeking recourse in future.

    "Abdul-Haq Al-Ani & Tarik Al-Ani’s Genocide in Iraq, published by the small and
    independent Atlanta-based Clarity Press, presents a severe but cogently
    argued and well-documented indictment of the United Nations Security Council,
    the principal vehicle through which the United States, the rogue-in-chief of all
    nation-states, effected the wholesale destruction of Iraq…

    Some scholars take the view that the sanctions policy of the United States
    cannot be impugned, since it is conducted under the rubric of the Security
    Council; if this is the case, then it becomes incumbent to conduct a close
    examination of the human rights implications of the sanctions policy of the
    Security Council.  This is the other signal contribution of Abdul-Haq Al-Ani and
    Tarik Al-Ani’s book:  its subtitle, “The Case Against the UN Security Council and
    Member States”, hints at the boldness of the argument, since the authors are
    quite certain that the Security Council, which ought to act strenuously to
    prevent genocide, became the agent for the genocidal destruction of a people
    and their nation."
                                                                VINAY LAL, Professor of History, UCLA /blog

    "Genocide in Iraq . The case against the UN Security Council and member
    states by Abdul-Haq Al-Ani and  Tarik Al-Ani (Foreword by Professor Joshua
    Castellino; Clarity Press, Atlanta) is an extremely important book that sets out
    the case for prosecution of people involved in the Zionist-backed, US-
    spearheaded genocide in Iraq during the period of Sanctions (1990-2003).  Of
    course, as recognized by the authors, the carnage continued after the illegal
    US-led invasion and occupation. However the authors have chosen here to limit
    consideration to the horrendous effects of Sanctions because they were UN
    sanctioned,  and in being  associated with an estimated 1.7 million Iraqi
    avoidable deaths from deprivation  (1990-2003; substantially children; an Iraqi
    Holocaust and an Iraqi Genocide)  violated the intent and letter of international
    law and international humanitarian conventions devised to protect non-
    combatants and children. This book should be in every state, city, local, school
    and university library so that everyone throughout the world (and especially
    children)  can see for themselves the horrendous consequences of mass
    collective punishment of civilian populations to achieve political and strategic
    ends i.e. of state terrorism  or more precisely, collective state terrorism."
                                                                                   GIDEON POLYA, Countercurrents

    " A powerful case against the  Security Council and many member states."

    "...a very readable legal tour de force...Haq al-Ani and Tarik al-Ani begin with
    self-incriminating quotations by American officials and by providing the
    historical backdrop of Iraq, the treachery of Sykes-Picot, how Iraq was
    geographically blocked from ready access to the Persian Gulf, how Kuwait was
    created by British colonial fiat, how a monarchial client regime was installed in
    Iraq, and how Iraq’s oil wealth was plundered for British capitalist profit.

    The history continues with the overthrow of the Iraqi monarchy, the internecine
    battles for power in Iraq that consolidated under the Ba’ath party and the rule of
    Saddam Hussein. The comparatively rapid economic and social development of
    Iraq under the Ba’ath is detailed.

    The context is important because Iraq is a country that would not recognize
    Israel as a legitimate state (and neither do many other Muslim states, and why
    should a state formed by European Jews dispossessing the indigenous
    Palestinians and maintained by perpetual occupation, oppression, and warfare
    against neighbor states and an Israeli society wherein 20% are discriminated
    against by the majority?), it had nationalized its oil for the profit of its own
    people (not for Big Oil), and it had developed its economy along socialist lines....

    Genocide in Iraq is a must read for those who believe in justice and the equal
    application of law for all. It is also a must read for those who seek to
    understand the attack on Iraq from the Iraqi perspective — not just western
    media demonization. "

                                                       KIM PETERSEN, DISSIDENT VOICE
Tarik al-Ani
Abdul Haq al-Ani